Book Review: ‘Death by Pumpkin’ by N.A. Granger


I have been a fan of Noelle Granger’s mystery series about the adventures of the intrepid Rhe Brewster since the first book was published several years ago.

I love this series!

Rhe is an ER nurse who works part time with the Pequod, Maine Police Department. She has a boisterous young son, a brother in law who is crazy about her (and who just happens to be the chief of police), and a best friend who must be the world’s best cook. I think I gained at least 5 pounds just reading about the meals consumed by Rhe and the other characters in the book.

One of the things I like most about this series is Granger’s endearing characters. Picking up this latest book was an opportunity to say hello again to some old friends I hadn’t seen in a while. What a warm and inviting treat to meet up again with Rhe and the folks who inhabit the coastal community of Pequod.

In this latest outing, Rhe has her hands full. In addition to investigating a murder that occurred at the town’s pumpkin festival, she’s also involved in organizing a campaign to help her brother in law retain his position with the Pequod PD in spite of angry student protests over the arrest of the local college athlete. That is just the tip of the iceberg: she must also evade the clutches of a crazy person out to kill her and anyone she cares about. Did I mention she manages all this while juggling a male suitor or two?


If you’re unfamiliar with N.A. Granger’s Rhe Brewster mysteries, check them out. They are great fun to read and will definitely hold your interest.

The series is available in paperback at Amazon – as well as in ebook format via Kindle.

And because you were all nice enough to read my review, I’ll let ya in on a little secret: I have it from reliable sources that a fourth book continuing Rhe’s adventures is in the works. Now that ought to add some sunshine to the day of any Rhe Brewster fan! It sure did mine.

About Kate Loveton

Aspiring novelist. Avid reader of fiction. Reviewer of books. By day, my undercover identity is that of meek, mild-mannered legal assistant, Kate Loveton, working in the confines of a stuffy corporate law office; by night, however, I'm a super hero: Kate Loveton, Aspiring Novelist and Spinner of Tales. My favorite words are 'Once upon a time... ' Won't you join me on my journey as I attempt to turn a hobby into something more?
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13 Responses to Book Review: ‘Death by Pumpkin’ by N.A. Granger

  1. Pingback: Guest author: N. A. Granger – These Are a Few of My Favorite Things | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  2. Canuck Carl says:

    You write such an amazing review Kate. Referring the characters in the series like “old friends”, and the cooking as you described that would almost make a person gain weight.

    Hope you have been well. Looking forward to possible “hearing” more from you! šŸ™‚

  3. Dalo 2013 says:

    Wonderful review Kate, great to see you back and mostly to read your words again šŸ™‚ Cheers ~

  4. Pingback: Reviews of Death by Pumpkin – SaylingAway

  5. Kate Loveton says:

    I want to thank my friends for checking in and leaving a comment! Very much appreciated.

    I hope to get back to blogging in 2017. A lot has been going on and I am often too exhausted to blog. I am considering retirement in 2017, which would allow me to write with consistency, and to get back into blogging again.


  6. noelleg44 says:

    Thank you so much, Kate. Very much appreciated! And look how many people have missed you! You need to come back, if only once a week, with your lovely writing. Hugs, my friend.

  7. Hi Kate, I’ve missed you! I hope you will be around regularly. šŸ™‚

  8. Hi, old friend! Hoping all is well with you.

  9. Julia Lund says:

    Wonderful to see you back, the notification in my inbox this morning put a smile on my face.

    I hadn’t heard of this series, but will now add it to my tbr list.

  10. Thanks for reminding me about this one, Kate – I’m off to acquire it now. I have enjoyed others in this series. It’s great to see you back again; I’ve missed you.

  11. Hello, dear Kate, it’s so nice to see you here again. šŸ™‚
    Wonderful review…you always do them so well.

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